Candid individuals or groups in their chosen environment, often engaging in regular activities or routines at their workplace or in other familiar settings, Book this to document this chapter of your life, or to curate your online profiles.
Professional headshots to showcase the personality and essence of a person. Book this for your team or as an individual.
Family members or a close group of people, looking formal, casual or any other vibe you love. Book this for family reunions, imagery for holiday cards and to remember the connection of your chosen family.
For upcoming portrait sessions, reach out via the contact form.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ):
Location options
A. Portrait sessions are very personal, so we'll figure out a place that resonate with you.
I have a few spots in the area that I like, but I am always open for new ideas to create the perfect setting. All of my gear is mobile.
What to wear
A. I recommend to put some thought into this. Choose an outfit (or two) that you feel comfortable wearing and that fits the sentiment and the setting and purpose of the images.